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About Us

Crafting courses, keeping it fun

At FlightLine, we’re committed to bringing your beautiful course the excellence it deserves and having fun while doing it. With 22 years of experience, expect exceptional work and a team you’ll enjoy having around. At the end of the day, it’s golf, it should be fun for everyone!

A guy with golf course behind him.

We’re here to make your life easier and make your members proud

To be among the best, your course has to keep getting better. New bunkers, new holes, upgraded tees... there’s plenty of options and they always bring a buzz to the clubhouse. But in your seat, that excitement is tempered until the work is done. All eyes are on you to make sure it goes exactly right — on schedule, on budget and looking incredible. That’s the standard.

At FlightLine, we know you take the heat if things go sideways during these projects. But we believe improving your course shouldn’t be stressful. And it's exactly why we’re here. 

We’re proud to offer premium craftsmanship, clear communication and a professional team that’s easy to work with. We’ll make sure everything goes as planned so you can manage your project with ease and give your members a course they’re proud to belong to.

Read More About Our Approach
Construction bird view.

WSIB Health & Safety Excellence Program

Keeping health and safety at the forefront

At FlightLine, the health and safety of our team is of utmost importance. It’s why we’re proud members of the WSIB Health & Safety Excellence Program year after year. This program helps businesses reduce the risk of injuries and illnesses, creating an environment where everyone feels safe, confident and ready to do their best work.  

Find Out More About the Program
Small vehicle.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make improving golf courses as seamless and enjoyable as playing them.

Our Vision

We see...
  • Ontario's premier golf courses elevating into stunning and challenging landscapes where members find joy in a timeless game.
  • Amazing courses that attract new members, tournaments and admiration.
  • Superintendents feeling confident in our expert and organized team.
  • A team that works hard to ensure every detail is expertly crafted for years of fantastic play. A team that’s responsible, honest and friendly, making work enjoyable and golf even more fun for everyone involved.
Worker give thumb up.

Our Values

The FlightLine DNA is at the heart of everything we do
  • Making it better
  • Thinking beyond ourselves
  • Working together
  • Keeping it fun
Become a game changer.
Join the FlightLine team and contribute to amazing work that leaves a mark. Grow your skills more than you ever thought possible and have fun along the way! Discover a fantastic workplace where enjoying what you do matters because life's too short not to.
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Course construction.